Tuesday 23 June 2009

Last day

This is my last day of filming before i leave. The rest of my group will be doing the editing and all the good shit. whil

Friday 19 June 2009


We have just returned from walking around the school, finding intresting things to film. For the posetive peice we have some shots of students cooking and working on computers. WE used a wide angled lense to get some good shots of the new science block, and combined with pan we used the lense to good effect.

For the second peice we used the wide angle lense again. This time we took a shot of the back of the school, with damaged buildings, scaffolding, and a pylon in the back ground. This combined with our shots of derylict areas and broken windows resulted in aome shots that really shout the need for help.

We are about to begin filming in a science lesson. The pupils there are doing a hands on activity with molecular models and this wil translate well to film, with the possibility of an explosion or two from the chemistry department being an added bonus. All these things will add to the 1st video.

Wednesday 17 June 2009

Representing Your School

We have recently started our latest project in our A level media course. In this project we plan on making two videos, each with separate aims for our school.

The first is a short piece designed to advertise our school to prospective students and there parents. For this clip we need to portray the school in a positive way, aiming to draw in the viewers and make them wish to come to the school.
We have already started to prepare for this video with some pre-production in the form of a storyboard of possible angles and to find a general layout of the clip we plan to make. We have also done a couple of test scenes, filming a student in the music block from many angles, trying to find the perfect angle.

In the second piece the school will be portrayed slightly differently. The footage is supposed to be used to appeal for more funding for our school. For this the school must be showed in more of a negative light, showing how it desperately needs more money to keep the school up too date and the kids interested in the work. However the piece should also portray the pupils as eager and willing to work. Extra money would not be given to a school were the pupils were not devoted. You can not help someone if they are not willing to be improve themselves. The piece must hold a delicate balance between portraying the school in a negative and a positive light. Either extreme could lead to problems.